His and Her Fashion Trends-WearBU.com

His and Her Fashion Trends

With everyone talking about the “his and her fashion trends”, I’ve found myself looking more and more at couples and wedding lists. I love seeing these couples and love seeing how they somehow perfectly match each other, sometimes perfectly coordinated and sometimes just a perfect blend of different prints and textures, couples are a Trend!

When couples unite in marriage, their personal union draws its power from the cosmic marriage that underlies the whole of existence — the bonding of the divine masculine and feminine energies emerging from the Creator's Infinite Light to generate existence, a world, and life.

Faith Inspired T Shirts-WearBU.com

Faith Inspired T Shirts

Today we want to share our t-shirts that include biblical scriptures on inspirational t-shirts, faith t-shirts, and church t-shirts. We want to share the love that God has for us with you so that you can go forth and share it with others.
Love is a beautiful thing.
The most beautiful kind of love, between God and us, his creations, is displayed prominently through the bible.