Love Thy

Love Thy Neighbor

Love is the most compelling human characteristic a human being possesses, because of it people will climb mountains and swim across oceans. It has a way of compelling a person to do rise above their circumstances. Love is so important, that all of the 10 Commandments are based on it. When we love our neighbors as ourselves, we will not steal from them, take their life, bear false witness against them, or desire to have what is theirs. Your neighbor is more than someone who lives near you, looks like you and shares you culture or beliefs. Your neighbors are everyone.
Biblical Hebrew T

Biblical Hebrew T Shirts

What’s So Special About the Holy Language - Hebrew?
The core of the Hebrew Bible is written in Biblical Hebrew, referred to by some as the Holy Language.  Hebrew is not a language like all other languages. First and foremost, it has a special power because the world was created with it.
When G-d created Adam he spoke to him (Genesis 2:16) indicating that G-d gave Adam a language and this language came from G-d himself.
Faith Inspired T

Faith Inspired T Shirts

Today we want to share our t-shirts that include biblical scriptures on inspirational t-shirts, faith t-shirts, and church t-shirts. We want to share the love that God has for us with you so that you can go forth and share it with others.
Love is a beautiful thing.
The most beautiful kind of love, between God and us, his creations, is displayed prominently through the bible.